While reading, “The Art of Social Media”, I found it was
interesting that commenting on someone else’s blog post can have such a large
impact. There are so many technical
aspects which go with commenting. I found
it even more intriguing that you should reply to all comments on your post even
the bad ones. In, “The Art of Social Media”, it is also said you should try
to stay positive even when you disagree about something. A disagreement might be one of the most difficult
things to deal with on social media because both sides have arguments as to why
they believe they are right. Like “The
Art of Social Media” says, it is best to ‘agree to disagree’.
Another topic that was interesting in, “The Art of Social Media”,
is about LinkedIn. The book says that
LinkedIn is a powerful too. I normally
always write LinkedIn off as only a way to find jobs and that is about it. I would not really consider it that much of a
social media platform because of its focus towards finding a job and building your professional network. I only created one because I needed it
for my class, and I do not update my profile frequently. After reading though I discovered that LinkedIn
can be valuable because it is a professional site and many individuals are
looking for jobs on it. This makes LinkedIn
a great place to find quality content. LinkedIn also helps to filter out videos or
posts that would be inappropriate because no one wants bad content connected to
their professional careers.
I love this blog post! I agree with both of your points with commenting on post and LinkedIn profiles! I find it hard to comment back when people comment on my photos but I'm sure it is different with a business company's page. I love my LinkedIn because I am able to find internship opportunities and network different companies and business professionals.