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Dogs have been my favorite animal since I was little.  Growing up I have always had golden retrievers.  One of the Golden Retrievers my family had when I was growing up was a stocky, golden retriever.  Golden retrievers can have a wide range of hair color.  Their coat can range from almost white to a dark red color.  Winston was right in the middle of the spectrum, with a long silky golden coat.  I was about five when my family got Winston.  My family and I always joked that he was the discount puppy since he was the last in his litter to go.  Winston was a happy puppy, but I would not say he was the brightest puppy.  He was supposed to be an indoor dog, but every time my mom would bring him in the house, he would get so excited and pee all over the rugs and floor.

There is one memory I always remember when I think of Winston.  I was about eight and it was wintertime.  I lived in Ohio, so we would have lots of snow in the winter.  When it would snow a lot, my two sisters and I would always go outside and play in it.  We loved to go sledding.  In fact, we would even hook up Winston to one of our sleds and pretend that he is our sled dog.  He was always so cooperative and eager to play with us, never getting angry with us.  This one specific time my sisters and I made a track in the snow so he could easily pull us around.  We played for hours outside with him, having him pull us and even trying to put him on the sled and pull him.


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