Being in college is tough! You are constantly juggling homework
and extracurricular activities. I
recently started meal prepping and it saved me a lot more time during the week now
that I have my meals made for me. Below
are a few tips I have learned along the way, on how to make meal prepping flow
- Keep it simple. At first, I wanted to make the most complicated recipes and it just made things difficult. Meal prepping is simple if you keep it simple. You do not have to go crazy on spices to make a good tasting dish. If you really want to make it simple at first, buy precut vegetable or fruits. Although, if you are on a budget, I would recommend buying whole vegetable to save money.
- Lists are important. Always plan out the recipes you want to meal prep before you go to the grocery store. I also always double check my grocery list before I go shopping. I do this so that I make sure I get everything I need from the store.
- Multitasking will be your best friend. You will be able to save a lot of time meal prepping if you are able to multitask. This is not as difficult as it may seem. It can be as easy as cutting up your veggies and sticking them in the oven to bake, while you cook the chicken or rice on the stove.
Meal prep can seem difficult at first, but you will figure
out what works best for you over time. Find
what is fun and most convenient for you and meal prep will not feel like a
chore every week!
I appreciate your tips on meal prepping and making it easier. I have tried meal prepping a couple times, but it always feels like an all day thing. Although, it is very convenient to grab food and go. For future grocery store visits, I am considering making a grocery list. This will save more time and keep me from rebuying the same items!